ANALYTICAL CHROMATOGRAPHY AND SEPARATION PROCESSESGas, Liquid and Ion Chromatography Instruments, Columns and Accessories. PREPARATION OF ANALYTICAL SAMPLESSolid Phase Extraction, Filtration, Evaporation MASS SPECTROMETRYDetectors, Tandem, QToF, Ion Mobility SPECTRAL EQUIPMENTMetal Analyzers, XRF, UV/VIS, other TITRATORS AND ION ANALYSISpH-Meters, Potenciometric and KF Titrators PHYSICAL PARAMETERS METERSBalances, Refractometers, Polarimeters, Density Meters, Melting poiint, Viscosity Meters, Calorimeters ELEMENTS AND METALS ANALYZERSXRF, CHN, TOC, etc. MICROSCOPYOptical and Electron Microscopes EQUIPMENT FOR SYNTHESISMicrowave Reactors, Reactor Systems, Peptide Synthetizers EQUIPMENT FOR ISOLATION OF COMPOUNDSSupercritical Extraction, Preparative Chromatography, Evaporation, Freeze Drying VACUUM EQUIPMENTPumps, Evaporators, Freeze Dryers, Ovens PROCESS AND PERSONNEL PROTECTIONCleanrooms, Isolators, Fume Hoods, Laminar Airflow and Biosafety Cabinets LABORATORY EQUIPMENTWater purification, Mixers, Homogenizers, Autoclaves, Gas Generators, Balances PUMPS AND VALVESVacuum and Peristaltic pumps, Valves for Vacuum Systems and Industry OVENS, INCUBATORS, CHAMBERSDrying Ovens, Incubators, Climate Controlled Chambers. Baths. HEATING, COOLING, FREEZING SYSTEMSCirculators, Baths, Coolers EQUIPMENT FOR CLEAN PROCESSESAutoclaves, Particle Counters, Cleanrooms, Monitoring Systems MICROPLATE EQUIPMENTMicroplate Readers, Incubators, Analyzers, Washers, Robots AUTOMATIONRobots, Liquids preparation equipment, Customized Systems PROCESS EQUIPMENTReactors, Dryers, Centrifuges, Evaporators, Mixers, Heating and Cooling Systems MONITORING SYSTEMS AND PROGRAMMINGMonitoring system Labweb, Programming of Robots and Processes, Integration of Systems METROLOGY FOR LABSCalibration and Qualification of Thermally controlled Systems, Pipets, Dispensers, Centrifuges, Cleanrooms and Laminar Airflow systems ANALYTICAL LABORATORYGMP certified lab for Physical and Chemical Testing of Pharmaceutical, Methods development and Validation OTHER SUBJECTS AND QUESTIONSContact us Mūsu partneri Sazināties ar mums