JEOL is a world leader in the development and manufacture of high performance, high stability Transmission Electron Microscopes (TEM). We have more than 60 years of expertise in producing TEMs designed for life sciences and material sciences. Some of the world’s most notable researchers use JEOL TEMs in their work.
JEOL’s innovations in TEM technology are legion, ranging from ultrahigh resolution optics for atom-to-atom characterization, to optimizing the user experience with an ergonomic design, user-friendly software and remote operation.
Using the JEOL TEM, biologists and pathologists can view and reconstruct 3D images of the finest cell structures. Crystallographers, metallurgists or semiconductor research scientists use high voltage/high spatial resolution TEMs to routinely image atoms. Materials researchers monitor and design materials at the nanoscale with custom-tailored properties. Often JEOL TEMs are used for multidisciplinary purposes among several research teams.
There is a JEOL TEM for every application, including cryotomography, STEM, MDS, and EDS. With the addition of energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDXA) or energy loss spectrometry (EELS), the TEM can also be used as an elemental analysis tool, capable of identifying the elements in areas less than 0.5µm in diameter. The aberration corrected (Cs) TEM ensures the highest image resolution.
120kV TEMs
Imaging and Cryomicroscopy Excellence in a Compact TEM
200kV TEMs
Atomic Resolution TEM with (Cold-FEG) and next-generation Cs corrector (ASCOR)
Advanced analytical, high throughput 200kV S/TEM with Cold Field Emission Gun and dual Silicon Drift Detectors
High throughput TEM/STEM
In-Column Energy Filter FE TEM Phase Contrast Ready
Multipurpose LaB6 TEM
300kV TEMs
World’s Highest Resolution in a Commercially-Available TEM
Automatic acquisition of image data for Single Particle Analysis
Atomic Resolution TEMs