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Waters sample preparation solutions for quantitative analysis make it easy to deliver a sample that is reproducible, yields high recovery and is free of interferences.

Oasis Sample Extraction Products

Oasis sample extraction products enable robust, sensitive solid-phase extraction (SPE) methods for the highest level of sensitivity, selectivity, and recovery.

Sample Preparation Kits

Streamline your workflow with Sample Preparation Kits, allowing you to achieve reproducible, sensitive, and standardized results.


Introducing ProteinWorks Sample Preparation Kits, allowing you to achieve reproducible, sensitive, and standardized protein quantification.

On-Line SPE Products

Perform reproducible and ultra-fast on-line analysis of analytes using a wide choice of configurations, particle sizes, and sorbent chemistries.

Ostro Pass-through Sample Preparation Products

96-well plate for phospholipid removal in plasma and serum. Ostro’s simple protocol provides cleaner extracts and reproducible results.

SPE Accessories

A wide offering of accessories for use with SPE devices and plates, including manifolds, reservoirs, adaptors, plastic tubings, and fittings.

Sep-Pak SPE

Sep-Pak products are recognized worldwide and remain the most referenced SPE products for GC/MS, HPLC, and LC/MS analysis. They offer a versatile and cost effective solid-phase extraction alternative.

Sirocco Protein Precipitation Plate

Sirocco™ plates are the most technologically advanced protein precipitation plates on the market and provide optimum performance in faster processing time for automated or manual processing.


Biotage® manufactures a broad range of sample preparation products to ensure options based on the degree of extract cleanliness required and the cost effectiveness demanded by the analysis. Solid Phase Extraction, Supported Liquid Extraction and Protein Precipitation techniques are uniquely supported by consumables, automation and accessories. Please find detailed list below.

Sample Preparation Instruments & Accessories

ISOLUTE® PLD+ Protein and Phospholipid Removal Products

ISOLUTE® SLE+ Supported Liquid Extraction Products

ISOLUTE® SPE Columns and Plates

ISOLUTE® PPT+ Protein Precipitation Plates

EVOLUTE® SPE Columns and Plates


ISOLUTE® FILTER+ High Performance Filtration Plates

On-line SPE Cartridges

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