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Polarimeter models from Rudolph Research for chemical, sugar, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, essential oils, education, and university laboratories.

The AUTOPOL I is Rudolph’s most economical automatic polarimeter designed for education and less demanding applications where the budget is critical, but quality is still important. More about AUTOPOL I here

The Autopol II offers the same standard and optional features as the Autopol I but allows greater wavelength flexibility with 589nm and 546nm standard wavelengths and optional 365nm, 405nm, 436nm, 578nm, and 633nm available. More about AUTOPOL II here

The AUTOPOL III Polarimeter is Rudolph’s two wavelegnth Pharmaceutical and Research grade Automatic Digital Polarimeter. The Autopol III offers Dual Wavelengths and accuracy similar to Rudolph’s more advanced models, but with a simplified interface. More about AUTOPOL III here

The AUTOPOL IV is a microprocessor based automatic polarimeter that is available in one, two and six wavelength versions.More about AUTOPOL IV here

The AUTOPOL V Automatic Polarimeter is designed for today’s FDA regulated analytical laboratories. Whether you are a Pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical or University Lab, the AUTOPOL V has the standard measurement and compliance features you must have. More about AUTOPOL V here

The AUTOPOL® V Plus Digital Polarimeter has the validation tools and features to satisfy today’s global pharmaceutical companies, including: instrument level 21CFR Part 11 compliance, NIST traceable calibration standards and a global list of installations. More about AUTOPOL® V Plus here

The AUTOPOL VI Automatic Polarimeter was developed for the most demanding analytical laboratories. If your laboratory requires the highest accuracy and must meet the most stringent compliance standards, the Autopol VI has the measurement, temperature control, communications, and data tracking capabilities your application requires. More about AUTOPOL VI here

The Autopol® VII combines a pharmaceutical level Polarimeter with fully automated sample loading capability, a perfect answer for high throughput labs that demand accuracy and, reproducibility, combined with versatile sample loading, cell cleaning, rinsing, and drying. More about Autopol® VII here

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